Office of the Clay County Circuit Clerk

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The Clerk of the Circuit Court is elected in each county to carry out administrative functions and to act as record-keeper for circuit court actions in that county. The office of the clerk is authorized by Article 8, Section 9 of the West Virginia Constitution. The Circuit Clerk is an officer within the judicial system and plays a pivotal role in that system. The West Virginia Constitution establishes a hierarchy of administrative control that gives overall authority for the entire judicial system to the Supreme Court of Appeals. Local administrative authority lies in the circuit court, including the office of circuit clerk with regard to the clerk’s judicial functions but the clerk has autonomy to establish procedures and policies necessary to carry out statutory responsibilities. Read More

Online Services

The Chief Judge of a circuit has the authority to order an emergency closure of the courts in that circuit, including circuit courts, magistrate courts, circuit clerk’s offices, magistrate clerk’s offices, family courts, and probation offices.

Family court judges hear cases involving divorce; annulment; separate maintenance; paternity; grandparent visitation; issues involving allocation of parental responsibility; and family support proceedings, except those incidental to child abuse and neglect proceedings. 

Circuit courts have jurisdiction over all civil cases at law over $7,500 with limited exceptions; all civil cases in equity; proceedings in habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto, prohibition, and certiorari; and all felonies and misdemeanors.

Juror Resources

Please call the number below after 4:00 PM every Friday unless otherwise instructed before you report for jury duty. The jury schedule may change without much notice, calling the number below is the only way you will know to report. 

Juror Information Answering Service: +1 (304) 587-4208 or +1 (800) 520-4763

For questions or concerns please call the Circuit Clerk at +1 (304) 587-4256!

News & Announcements

COVID-19 UPDATE: The Office of the Circuit Clerk follows all guidance issued by the Clay County Commission. 

Clarrisa Hanshaw, Circuit Clerk

Office of the County Circuit Clerk

Clay County, West Virginia

Address: P.O. Box 129 - 246 Main Street Clay, West Virginia 25043
Phone: +1 (304) 587-4256
Fax: (304) 587-4346