Clay County
State of West Virginia
News & Announcements
Commission Meeting(s) Update
All Commision Meetings will be held at the Courthouse in the Commission Room on the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month. The meeting held on the 2nd Monday will start at 10:00 A.M and the meeting held on the 4th Monday will now start at 5:00pm. See More Details
The Clay County Commission intends to lease the building located at 184 Procious Maysel Rd, Clay Wv 25043, to a non-profit organization. If you are a non-profit and are interested in leasing the building , please submit in writing your proposal for use of the building to the Clay County Commission no later than end of business on Jan 8th ,
2024. Please include what services you will be providing to the county, how this building would better your cause, and your goals for the future. Please include verification of non-profit status. Proposals can be dropped off in person at the Clay County Clerk’s office or mail to P.O. box 190 Clay WV 25043.
Clay County Ambulance Service is accepting applications for part-time Paramedics and EMT’s.
Contact us on our Facebook page at Clay County Ambulance Service, if you have any questions, please call 304-587-2554 if no answer leave a message and we will contact you back. Clay County Ambulance Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For the application or more information click HERE!
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Stay up to date in real time with the @claycountywvcommission Facebook page.